Tags: Scripted, Flexibility, Freedom, CNC, Fablab, Python, Algorithm, Complexity


Our design attitude is grounded on thorough research in fields such as architectural thinking, algorithmic design processes, computer programming and sustainable urbanism.
This page is used to show some of the ongoing research in the possibility of using computer programming to generate space and form, based on data.



Team: Stani Michiels, Erno Langenberg
For the Art Fund competition we developed software to further integrate Python (programming language) and Blender (3d software).
We used the assignment to design a pavilion, which will be build with a cnc based building system Facit, as a test case for this software. The pavilion consist of a variety of (door) elements which can be (re)combined to create different pavilion configurations. The script is used to simulate and visualize possible scenarios

The ARchitecture library is a Blender Python library, to facilitate shortcuts for architecture modeling and designing: AR (ARchitecture library) v0.1:http://sd-2469.dedibox.fr/ar/index.html

Generated door combinations

generated wallpaper pattern for decoration of the pavilion



Experimenting with cnc technics in the Fablab Amsterdam. 3d model cut in foam on the Modela MDX-20
Fablab Amsterdamhttp://amsterdam.fablab.nl/

3d stl-file

Modela cutting the foam



Rubix is a Python scripting exercise, inspired by Schoonhoven’s art work,  that generated a volume consisting of small elements, resulting in a complex organic, geometric, whole. The elements, representing walls or floors,  are placed in a non repetitive way within the volume. The goal is to create apparent disorder, while at the same time having control over the total. How these volumes look from the inside, one can only presume, I expect to find intricate spaces, an unexpected series of successive spaces.
Below are examples of the same script executed with different parameters, like volume size or sub-element size.
SPE Python editor:http://pythonide.stani.be/
SDXF Python library:http://developer.berlios.de/project/showfiles.php?group_id=4161

Rubix rendering

Serie of successive spaces in one generated block



In this exercise the same Python script generates twin towers. Like identical twins the towers share the same DNA but physical appearance is not exactly the same due to environmental programmatic conditions.
The goal is to define a structure, which can accommodate programmatic change, while keeping its morphology. The result is a tower with a circular floor plan, where the areas differ per floor, according to programmatic needs. The two towers together play a game with the space in between, similar to the Rubin face-vase figure.

two towers


Urban Patchwork is an endless urban landscape. Based on a recursive algorithm, space is divided into smaller units, and subsequently filled with functions. The size and association of the plots determines the function of each plot.  The result is an infinite, unbounded plan.





Graphic design for the curtain to close the MOBEX (Mobile Exhibition Pavilion). At first sight the curtain mimics a homey wall paper pattern, but on a closer look one realizes that the pattern is defined by single family houses. A computer script merged the representation of a suburb house with a reference to the idea of home, the wallpaper, into one pattern.

Overview wallpaper screen

Detail of the wallpaper pattern composed of small houses