Digital tools for Cape Town

elstudio_cape_02 Working with DASUDA on the Wingfield location as a case study for a demonstration of an integrated approach with new digital tools on water and traffic.
The former military airbase of Wingfield in Cape Town is a vast derelict space of 225 ha and an example of the unused spaces within the metropolis. This demonstrationproject shows an appraoach dealing with the biggest challenges in Cape Town, like traffic congestion, flooding and inclusivene urbanism. Showing that a raise in the density with a factor 10 can lead to better living conditions.

This research is a DASUDA project supported by the Transitie Faciliteit RVO, in conjunction with Greater Tygerberg Partnership.
Elstudio worked on programming the different urban scenarios.

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Flooding prediction as input data for the urban design, derived from the 3Di program by Nelen & Schuurmans



Different routes give different housing density’s.


Finally, one of the future scenario for Wingfield.

Floating exhibition pavilions

Honorable mention in the competition ‘Casa Casla’ Almere
2×4=24 is a design project for two floating exhibition pavilions in Almere. One of the pavilions is meant to be used as an architecture exhibition space, the other as an archaeological exhibition space. Read more »