Erebero Hills eco-lodge in Bwindi Uganda
I’m happy to be part of the team working on the realization of the Erebero Hills eco-lodge in Bwindy, Uganda. […]
I’m happy to be part of the team working on the realization of the Erebero Hills eco-lodge in Bwindy, Uganda. […]
Last week at the Dutch Design Week I visited the Trilix Bamboo Pavilion which was made for the European Commission […]
I’m very pleased to have contributed to the book AM Perspectives: Research in Additive Manufacturing for Architecture and Construction with […]
My 3D printed ceramic building blocks were part of the exhibition in the Embassy of Circular & Biobased Building at […]
For the competition to design the coin to commemorate the 50 years of recognition of COC in the Netherlands, I […]
In Nijmegen, the research into 3D printing with local river clay, with natural local additives, continues.
Hands-on experiments; first small steps toward a large-scale application for 3D printed local river clay in combination with natural local […]
I Participated in the DigitalFUTURES Talk: Clay Printing in Architecture, talking about my clay printing research.
The Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS) installed a hospitality desk of residual wood in the new Sky Club and […]
Experimentation at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS) with up-cycling wood waste.
3D printing experimentation at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS).
At the beginning of this year, construction began on the hospice in Chipata, Zambia..
First experiments with the new ABB robot at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS)
Exploring new ways of working with the Lutum 3d clay printer at EKWC (European Ceramic Work Centre) in Oisterwijk.
3D Printed Column Unveiled at the Grand Opening of Sundaymorning@EKWC / European Ceramic Workcentre in Oisterwijk.
During a two-month residency at Cove Park I continued working on my research into 3D printing clay for architectural application.
Print&Burn is a continuation of my recent research into 3D printing with clay at the European Ceramic Work Centre.
To stimulate the discussion about large-scale 3D printing, I started 3dprintingarchitecture.net, which is a combination of a blog, Linkedin-discussion group, […]
Design proposal for a shelter built with 3D-printed ceramic blocks.
Working with DASUDA on the Wingfield location as a case study for a demonstration of an integrated approach with new […]
Working at Sundaymorning@ekwc, exploring the possibilities of 3D printing ceramics for architectural use.
Working at Sundaymorning@ekwc, exploring the possibilities of digital manufacturing ceramics in architecture.
Final presentation Residency @EKWC Giovanni Dalessi (NL) / Drew Ippoliti (US) / Erno Langenberg (NL)
To commemorate the 300-year Treaty of Utrecht, the Royal Dutch Mint issued a special 5€ coin. Elstudio made the design.
The first strike of the Commemorative Coin Treaty of Utrecht, the last coin with Queen Beatrix depicted, on the 11th […]
Design for a new hospice for the palliation of terminally ill patients in Chipata, Zambia.
Th project Self.Urb focuses on the possibility of building extensively over water, tackling the rising sea level problem, environmentally. It […]
“Ramses Park” is a master plan for a sustainable redevelopment of the Ramses Square area in Cairo. A sustainable city […]
A proposal for the Art Fund Pavilion Competition computationally designed, digitally fabricated, and constructed with the FACIT Building System.
ELstudio designs the computer-generated facade for a building complex in Herning, one of the fastest-growing cities in Denmark.
The Aldabra Research Station is a scientific unit devoted to the study of the uniqueness of the ecological and biological […]