Last week at the Dutch Design Week I visited the Trilix Bamboo Pavilion which was made for the European Commission for @neweuropeanbauhaus festival in Brussels and now rebuild in Eindhoven to showcase bamboo as a building material! I was pleased to join the project and prepare the works by generating the digital model, which served as a base for calculation and construction. This digital model was fully constructed by code in Rhino Grasshopper

The pavilion was completely drawn by using code, using the software Rhino Grasshopper
The Trilix bamboo pavilion was designed by Studio Akeka for the New European Bauhaus Festival in Brussels, and rebuilt at Strijp-S in Eindhoven for the Dutch Design Week 2024. The project is a collaboration between Studio Akeka, the dutchbamboofoundation and vinc_math. SE consultancy was done by summum engineering
Photos by Eppo Karsijns