Drawing the infographic to show the increase in projects related to 3D-printing for architectural purposes.
In recent years we have seen a boom of projects, research, and other initiatives in the field of 3d printing related to architecture. To have an overview of what is going on and where I decided to collect all projects I came across in a database and plot them on a timeline relating them to a location on the world map.
This infographic is meant to show the number of projects increasing in time and the hot spots where the developments take place. Although there are differences in importance and impact between the various projects, for the purpose of this image they are all displayed indiscriminately, as equal dots on the line.
To choose from a great number of projects I used the following (sometimes arbitrary) criteria: the projects have to be related to architecture (to construct buildings or building parts), the projects have to be more than paper proposals and the technique has to concern direct manufacturing (no 3d printed molds).
The infographic will be updated regularly. So if you know of a project that you might think is relevant to include, please email me so I can make the diagram as complete as possible.
Erno Langenberg
Disclaimer: I have tried to be as accurate as possible when putting all the projects with the correct date, credits, and location in the database. If there are any mistakes please let me know.

20 years of 3d printing in architecture by ELstudio is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
this post was originally writen for my website http://www.3dprintingarchitecture.net/ which was part of the ongoing research by Erno Langenberg “Even clay wants to be something”, exploring the possibilities of digital manufacturing ceramics in architecture, co-funded by the Creative Industries Fund NL.