‘Consumption Obligatory!’ is an art project that exposes the boundaries imposed by the rules that control behavior in public space, stretching them to the limits of the reasonable.

We created a series of 3 different traffic signs, which were placed in the center of Groningen for the event ‘Bubbel, leisure under control’. They coexist with the existing city signs but just seem to ask a bit too much…

“ …Ai architecture creates the most subtle, but nonetheless strong bubble consisting of a number of traffic signs which point out the end of camera control. Opposite of the way the signs, placed by the city council, ask the passer-by to respect the rules, these signs seem to call for anarchy; you’re after all out of sight so there are no rules anymore…”

(Archined 8-09-03)

For more information www.bubbel.org

Bubbel  ‘leisure onder controle’ is a manifestation, by mediacombinatie NP3 and the Architecture Centre of Groningen GRAS.

Team: Erno Langenberg, Joris Hekkenberg
Organisation: Platform GRAS, AX710, NP3
Location: Groningen (NL)
Realisation: 2002