We were shortlisted for the design competition for the National Archives in South Sudan by the Council of Ministers.
In collaboration with Blok Kats van Veen Architects and NorthernLight, Elstudio worked on the design for the National Archives of South Sudan in Juba. The National Archives will be the first national institution to be built in South Sudan since it became an independent state in 2011. UNOPS, in partnership with UNESCO, is assisting the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports with the design and construction of the National Archives.
The architectural concept is strongly influenced by our experience of building in sub-Saharan climates. Spatial energy design is the leading concept meaning an integral approach to create comfortable spaces within a self-sufficient building. Adaptive cooling is used where possible related to specific functions within the building. The spatial concept is a roof that provides shadow and in the meantime connects public and private spaces. Logistics, public and private are designed integrally with the climate concept of low-, medium-, and high-tech climatization of spaces.

Public spaces are all in the low-tech zone. This includes the atrium and auditorium. The amphitheater is one of the connecting functions between the public square and the public building. It symbolizes the importance of the archive and the stories of the people of South Sudan. Deeper inside the building it becomes more private (medium-tech spaces) and towards the non-public area specific rooms for storage, servers, and high-priority records will be within the high-tech zone. Low-tech spaces are designed as heat chimneys to configure public spaces and to achieve a comfortable climate via adaptive cooling techniques. The National Archive South Sudan building becomes a place to be proud of.