The Mobex is a mobile exhibition pavilion touring different locations in the Volgerlanden, a new housing development under construction in Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht ( Vinex location).
The Mobex displays art projects that follow, and reflect upon, the urban development of this area. The Mobex’s volumetric characteristics define a space that is both public and private, a sort of semi-public-square, which seizes the passer-by into the exhibition. The inside of the pavilion is designed in a flexible way such that the space can take different configurations depending on the exhibition concept and local circumstances.

Team: Erno Langenberg, Joris Hekkenberg
Location: Hendrik Ido Ambacht
Construction: JRE-Trading, Paul Beuk interieur, PGI BV
Photo’s: Ralph Kämena
Realisation: 2005
Exhibitions in the mobex:
Tuinders aan de Vrouwgelenweg, door Fred van Stratum (2011)
Geloof, Mode en Jij (2010)
5th may commemoration (2010)
‘Drie kunstzinnige ingrepen in het hekwerk aan de Jacobustocht’(2010)
Lucien den Arend (2009)
Poems by Joke van der Ark (2009)
Arie de Groot (2009)
Open Monumentendag foto’s (2009)
Marcus Ravenswaaij (2008)
Mammoetbot in Brommert (2008)
Roel Teeuwen (2007)
Aris de Bakker (2006)
Lianne de Lepper (2006)
Anne Bousema (2006)